
Checking your Android OS version:

  1. Open Settings on your smartphone (you can usually find this with a label “settings” or a cog icon). 

  2. Tap About Phone or About Device.

  3. Tap Android Version to see your version information (you may need to tap Software Information first).

Upgrading your Android system:

  1. Open Settings on your smartphone (you can usually find this with a label “settings” or a cog icon). 

  2. Tap About Phone or About Device.

  3. Tap Check now for update.

  4. If an update is available, depending on which phone you have, one of the following buttons will appear: Install Now, or Reboot and install, or Install System Software.  Tap this and your phone will then reboot.

Updates may take some time to install and can be large to download. It's recommended to download the update on a wifi connection to avoid using your mobile data allowance.